I have learned many things during my first year of seminary.
I have learned that coffee is the best way to make it through the long nights
of finals. I have learned the best way to make caramel popcorn for 400 people
for BGLASS carnival. I have learned how to transport a couch on top of a car
without ropes. And I have learned how to read the New Testament in its original
Greek, organize a worship service, how to help parishioners dealing with
marital problems and how to work with nonprofits. Through my experiences in
classes, in conversations with my fellow students outside of classes, and through
volunteering with local churches and organizations, I have been presented with
numerous rewarding experiences and trials. Seminary has been difficult. Leaving
Atlantic Union College I was in no way prepared for the academic rigor that Princeton
has presented me with, but I continue to strive alongside my classmates. I am looking forward to the experiences that I
will have this summer while doing field education and what the next two years
have in store for me.